22 November 2011

Ep.11: Corey "Pinball Wizard" Perry

Not to be overshadowed by Sidney Crosby's triumphant return, Corey Perry uses his sick pinball wizard skills to throw some spooky b.s. behind the legendary Patrick Roy and secure a huge upset for team Canada.  We call upon Pierre McGuire to help clear up our confusion surrounding Mike Richards's legends status in NHL12.  Also in this episode, we are excited to bring you our very first viewer-submitted b.s. goal.  Finally, Matt offers Jason some pivotal advice regarding his upcoming visit to the D.

We witnessed an 8.75 for our b.s., and deemed the viewer's b.s worthy of a 7.75 on the BS Meter.

18 November 2011

B.S. Poll & Twitter Contest

It's time for our very first BS Poll.  We're conducting this survey for an upcoming podcast.  Please take a quick second to vote for your favorite BS Goals episode.  Make sure you catch up on our archived videos first if you haven't seen them all.

Now, for a chance to win an authentic piece of BS Goals memorabilia, all you have to do is: 

(1)  follow @bsgoals on twitter
(2)  correctly guess both Matt's favorite episode AND Jason's favorite episode
(3)  tweet your answer and include #bestbsgoal within your tweet 

Example #bestbsgoal Jason-ep4, Matt-ep4

Hint:  Don't guess episode 4 for both of us--if so, you are sure to lose.

The winner(s) will be announced during Episode 12, currently scheduled to air sometime in December. 


Entries must be received by 11:59pm PST on 11/26/11.  
Contest winner(s) must follow @bsgoals on twitter, must correctly guess Matt's one favorite episode and Jason's one favorite episode, and must include both answers in one tweet with #bestbsgoal.   
Prizes will be mailed out no later than 1/31/12.
Prize valued at approximately priceless.
Many will enter, few will win.

15 November 2011

Ep.10: Nikolai Kha-BS-in -- Part 2

Finally, the highly anticipated conclusion of Nikolai Khabiboozin's four b.s. goal night!  First, a rehash of part one's b.s.  Then, after causing Matt to develop a low self-esteem complex, Jason pitches a "BFF Goals" spinoff podcast, but as it were a stupid idea, it is swiftly extinguished.

 We saw a 7.5 and a 9 during the thrilling conclusion of this monumental quadruple b.s. episode.

11 November 2011

Ep.10: Nikolai Kha-BS-in -- Part 1

We hammer away at a BS Goals first quadruple b.s., courtesy of Nikolai Khabiboozin! Our sudden rise to b.s. podworld fame is discussed at length. Obviously a closet Swede, Jason turns all homer for Zetterberg and Lidstrom. There was so much b.s., that we had to split it into two episodes! Check back next week for the exciting conclusion.

[Disclaimer: Matt does not share in Jason's positive views and opinions of Zetterberg and/or Lidstrom. In fact, as a lifelong Penguins follower, Matt's disgust for the Red Wings is only slightly below his disdain for terrorism, third-world famine, and Flyers/Phillies/Eagles fans.]

We saw a 7.5 and a 6 during the first half of this monumental quadruple b.s. episode.

02 November 2011

Ep.9: Shadow of Death Puck

OUR FIRST NHL12 BS!!!  James Reimer walks through the valley of the shadow of death for this b.s. goal.  Also discussed is the Pens' hot start, and Matt's ongoing development of food allergen issues.

This goal netted an 8 out of 10 on our fancy new Swedish BS Meter!